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MySQL 테이블 정보

MySQL 테이블 정보 보는 법


MySQL에서 테이블들의 정보를 한 번에 보고 싶을 때 아래와 같이 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES 명령어를 사용하면 된다.

def          |shorturl          |django_migrations                                   |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |        19|           862|      16384|              0|           0|        0|            19|2024-09-01 08:05:29|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |django_content_type                                 |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |        16|          1024|      16384|              0|       16384|        0|            16|2024-09-01 08:05:29|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |auth_group_permissions                              |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       32768|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |auth_permission                                     |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |        64|           256|      16384|              0|       16384|        0|            64|2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |auth_group                                          |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       16384|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_backofficelogs                             |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |        19|           862|      16384|              0|           0|        0|            21|2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_dailyvisitors                              |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|           0|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_payplan                                    |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|           0|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_schedules                                  |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|           0|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_organization                               |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       16384|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_user                                       |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         2|          8192|      16384|              0|       32768|        0|             3|2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_user_groups                                |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       32768|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_user_user_permissions                      |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       32768|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_emailverification                          |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       16384|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_category                                   |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       32768|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_shortenedurl                               |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       49152|        0|             2|2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_statistic                                  |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       16384|        0|             2|2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |shorturl_trackingparams                             |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       16384|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |django_admin_log                                    |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         0|             0|      16384|              0|       32768|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |
def          |shorturl          |django_session                                      |BASE TABLE |InnoDB            |     10|Dynamic   |         3|          5461|      16384|              0|       16384|        0|              |2024-09-01 08:05:30|           |          |utf8mb4_unicode_ci|        |                                     |                                        |


MySQL 사용 시 일반적으로 사용하는 InnoDB의 경우, TABLE_ROWS, DATA_LENGTH 등 몇몇 항목에 대해 정확한 값을 제공해주지 않기 때문에 전적으로 신뢰해서는 안 된다.

For other storage engines, such as InnoDB, this value is an approximation, and may vary from the actual value by as much as 40% to 50%. In such cases, use SELECT COUNT(*) to obtain an accurate count.

For InnoDB, DATA_LENGTH is the approximate amount of space allocated for the clustered index, in bytes.
